Austin Forum | Introduction to Quantum Computing

  • Fri, January 26, 2024
  • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Capital Factory, 701 Brazos St., Austin, TX

Introduction to Quantum Computing Banner


Quantum computing is a new kind of computing that leverages the properties of subatomic particles—quantum physics—to enable potentially tremendous computational power. While we have learned to build very powerful ‘classical’ computing systems by harnessing the properties of electrons and semiconductor materials, quantum computing systems are quite different, and ‘weird,’ because they are based on non-classical physics including superposition and entanglement of these subatomic particles. If this seems confusing, remember that most people don’t know how classical computers work either—and yet we all use them every day. In this extended lecture, we will cover how classical computers work, provide an overview of quantum physics, and then explain how quantum computers work and why they are so potentially powerful. We will then discuss the kinds of problems that require this kind of computational power—including some that will likely never be solvable with classical computers—and share what industries and companies are investing in this technology *now* to ensure they are leaders in innovation in the coming years. We will also talk about the quantum cryptography problem and solutions, the national interests in global competition and the market, and the timeline—as best we know it now!

So, if you’re quantum curious and/or want to understand whether your company should start paying attention now, join us for this extended lecture on quantum computing! You may also consider reading “Quantum Computing For Dummies” in advance, or (for the bold/mathematically skilled, “Dancing with Qubits” (though we will not dive that far into the mathematics, and none is required to get most of the benefits of this lecture.)

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