Austin Technology Council | Webinar - Unleash the Power of Your Nerd Workforce

  • Tue, December 05, 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Webinar - Unleashing the Power of Your Nerd Workforce Banner


Unleash the Power of the Nerds! 

Your science- and engineering-educated colleagues, aka your Nerd Workforce, have a huge amount of talent, skills, and intelligence. But how do you nurture these invaluable team members to enable them to be their most creative and innovative? How do you support their career growth so they are at their peak performance and at your organization for years to come?

In this lively, fun, and value-driven webinar, delivered by Alaina G. Levine, Nerd, professional speaker, author, and expert in STEM career development and nerd workforce success, you will learn how to grow your STEM talent, increasing employee innovation, loyalty, and retention. Learn about the hidden superpowers of these extraordinary individuals and how to catalyze cultures that engage, ignite, and channel the energy and brilliance of your nerd workforce into extraordinary results - and enjoyment for all. Here's to the Power of Nerds!

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