Notely | Women Building Wealth

  • Sat, November 11, 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Notely, 1023 Springdale Road, Suite 1J, Austin, TX 78721

Finance, but make it femme.



There are many unspoken rules when it comes to women and their finances. Don't brag about how much you make. Don't complain about how much you don't. Don't spend too frivolously, but don't be a bore. The taboos we place on finances as women usually comes down to 'Don't TALK about money.'

We're here to break the rules, to push for financial feminism, and to help women take their financial futures into their own hands.

Women Building Wealth is a one-day workshop for women ready to take the next step on their financial journey. Combining valuable insights and practical knowledge from experts on budgeting, investing, home buying, refinancing, and more, we are creating a space to connect with other ambitious women to talk about financial success.

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